DBT-PTSD Specialists of Minnesota

Plymouth 763-412-0722

Chemical Dependency Providers

You Have Helped Your Patient Succeed. Now What?

Outpatient and inpatient chemical dependency programs are often utilized to treat individuals who suffer from mental illness and chemical dependency. Outpatient programs vary in intensity and frequency depending on individual circumstances. For example, some patients have appointments a couple days per week, while some undergo treatment sessions on a near-daily basis.

You’ve made great progress with your patient and it is time for them to move on. You can refer them to our team to continue receiving the support and guidance they need to have a chance at maintaining the sobriety they have fought so hard for.

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Protecting What You Have Both Worked So Hard To Achieve

DBT effectively treats 87% of co-occurring mental illness/chemical dependency disorders (Harned et al 2008).

At DBT-PTSD Specialists, we work closely with clients to help them identify, understand, and change destructive behavior such as alcohol and drug use. We do this through intensive Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), exploring trigger issues such as past traumatic events, attachments, or complex traumas that have overwhelmed a client’s ability to cope.

We offer intensive DBT therapies aimed at helping clients build a foundation of mental and emotional stability to withstand life’s pressures. Our no nonsense team of compassionate and behaviorally based therapists can provide them with the tools they need to cope and help them learn to identify, understand, and change destructive behaviors.

DBT can provide clients with a new outlook on life and the tools to match, helping them move toward the sober future they have devoted their energies and efforts to achieving.

Have A Referral?

We look forward to welcoming you into our network of professionals focused on patient care.

Referred By

Building On Your Progress

Our therapists and staff appreciate the progress you have made with your client and understand you may be concerned about what will happen to them after they leave your care. Our DBT programs are a crucial step in helping clients sustain their sobriety and continue to build a life worth living post-treatment.

Our practice considers all care providers to be part of a community that shares the goal of client empowerment and obtaining the best possible outcomes for individuals struggling to overcome chemical dependency and mental health issues. We appreciate the hard work you have invested and know that your referral is not only an honor, it is a great responsibility.

Helping Overcome Obstacles

We look forward to helping your patient discover and develop the skills necessary to overcome life’s obstacles and build a life worth living free from chemical dependency. Contact us today to discuss the next step of their journey.

DBT-PTSD Specialists of Minnesota

Plymouth, MN

The Gage Building
10000 Hwy 55, Suite 300
Plymouth, MN 55441

Phone: 763-412-0722
Fax: 833-450-6254

Coming Soon: A new look and feel to your patient telehealth experience!